Yoga Teachers Workshop: Accessible Chair Yoga

Teaching Accessible Chair Yoga IN PERSON + RECORDINGS

The Shala London | Map


This course will provide you with new skills and creative ideas to offer to your friends, family or in classes. It’s a great practice for everyone, not just seniors and the less able-bodied, but also  those who  would like to learn different ways to enjoy their yoga practice without a mat: travellers, office workers…and anyone who finds themselves sitting down with 5 minutes to spare.

Yoga Teachers who might like incorporate the use of the chair in their mat-based classes will find this training particularly helpful as we look at teaching both mat-based and chair-based practices simultaneously during the live day.

There will be plenty of opportunity for  teaching practice, as well as questions and discussion of common conditions and age-related health issues.

One full day LIVE training
+ 7 hours recorded content

IN PERSON  : 15th February 2025
at The Shala London

£195 includes recorded material, course manual and 20hr CPD certificate

Book your place here

“Thanks so much for the excellent seated yoga workshop. I feel solid with the upskills and sequences offered and  your studio is lovely” Jan

“Fantastic workshop, I really enjoyed it and have lots of inspiration for my accessible classes” Gabi Markham

“Great fun as well as being just what I needed to get new insight and ideas to work with” John Franklin

“Such as lovely atmosphere in your beautiful studio. I learned loads and enjoyed every minute. I lookd forward to singing up for future workshops” Nykola

Suitable for qualified and trainee yoga teachers as well as anyone wishing to learn to make yoga accessible for all, including carers and those hoping to share these practices with friends and family.   We’ll look at sitting in a chair, standing and balancing with the aid of a chair and moving around the chair including:

  • Chairs and other props 
  • Health and Safety
  • Structure and planning 
  • Adapting traditional asana 
  • Bringing chairs into a mat-based class
  • Working with limited mobility 
  • Working with common health conditions or impairments
  • Applications for age-related health issues
  • Ideas for office yoga 
  • Relaxation and Restorative yoga on a chair

“I found it really informative and inspiring. Looking for ward to integrating some of these ideas into my regular classes and 1:1s” Marj

“A really useful training! Exactly what I needed to get a bit more confidence adapting my teaching to chair yoga, and I appreciated your generous approach to sharing your knowledge in such a down to earth way.” Beth

The Shala Yoga Centre

1 Chestnut Road

Norwood SE27 9EZ